forget about the love dove for an hour and focus on the rain
this day my father returned home after his battle w/ the hospital
and the annoyances that cultures bring back
his three sputum tests that have life and death in their margins,
this nurse, she is large and hunched over her comp like a blue bear.
I sit above Christian, my child, and think of how unfit for a person
is a garage, to lie in, w/ its machinery and razor dust
When the inspector comes, he shall comment on the strong
herbal odors of the red house, the hard wood, the altar.
Christian is asleep to false loops of rain
Tonight I will dine in the midst of literary greats
of the city
this undying space is mine
hidden attic that contains
a Marlboro bag of pornos which my uncles traded like playing cards.
The sagging door across from the family of birds that nest in the lightbox
my neighbor's giant weed is now quite impressive
she believes it is a tree.
Carli who is the only angel I've ever believed in,
reminds me of Amy, starfishing in the intense heat of the borough
She does a ballet leap for me and lands ungracefully.
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