August 19, 2013

beb is chubby and she doesn't like being chubby
i say she is not chubby
pinching and kneading her lovable chub
and nuzzling that chub
and then i get up to check
on the jambalaya

August 15, 2013

Songs L,M,N,O,P

I'd never write to you again
rolling backward, frost

a flame of my labor
wings swung, and the lamest
grey eyes crowding, in them lost
many men taught me, many beggars
penny penny lost, oh, god
jokingly i would just say
like, go to, um that fridge
get me a good humor bar, walk
it over, so muted by the kitchen
a good humor bar, and scratches the back of my head
              like you would a dog that you
                raised, trained, all that
i'm being treated, churring! smiling!

still, like a pitiful dumb beast i love you
all, if you will, dried up and done
and the bar sits at the desk
and melts like a tongue
on tongue


send me spinning over the big ol moon
ho ho man, so bright.
five things i could change
baby you're like a big ol moon
and i'm a spaceship orbiting your orbit, yo

i'm the entire alphabet of love
i'm at the back of the party
without contact**neither hanging
clut  ching
some lucky night, my memories
will dissolve

sun, even, goes


men content with the idea
oh bim bom zow

the long sweetness of times stretch like taffy
sweet taffy
salt ocean
rock poem
fried chicken
yummy poem

good for all of the senses
look at it
smell, it
taste it
hear, and even fear it
spring of 19 joys and secrets
and god bless you

but me being afraid as a child always

winter full of the blows
hush, dude,
and take slow
  achievement at the height of my power
when i speak real content
shit forget it


dead january sole geometry
sold it with a brush and cane
frailty, missingno, mystery mail thief,
  adjoining there in the wood corner lane
killing mockingbirds and hear
the all too common locust

and greek as in the noise
powerhouse of flesh and of fiber
take a piss anywhere you want
but having to walk the same paths

moving nearer it is the opposite of dark
and i'm a bit drunk
think of you
and hack away into the night


i'm with you
l  ong
and even
the window

August 14, 2013

i pass
a cherry
evening now
from cross
the street
now how
many times
have i
told you
what are
you gonna
  have to eat?
on the bright
she sits legs
smokes and cries
of flames hissing
strong stoves

jumps out too
in that hairdo


what for?
what good is a rotten case
good here?
guess i do loook
kind of funny
she marries
yea   i married you
eat yr supper become
sizzling ( sizzling noises )
  clatter of a restaurant full of men
you can stay and a high pitched voice
gold beans, hey
marshall, the man
i'm looking for,
he comes from behind the bar
reading up territorial law
being feinting ill, next time
he sets foot in this town
officer, arrest who?
you mean,
Liverty Valance?
take it e -z baybee
poor red fingers
torn knuckle 2 knuckle
splish splash
sound of dishes being washed
the sound of a typewriter makes
being typed on
a cap! starred, four to be
gear grinding, sat
the poet, yukking it up
in Spanish

w/ a box full of chickens and turkeys
outside to my BMW

 'I would really like
to be a part of the people
that cracks down on these frauds'

speing subsides
spring, i meant to type
spring subsides

what the hell was
        that noise?
what if a giant bug
beb, just came out of the ceiling
one night and just pulled me up
when was the last
time i wrote of spring
probably last spring
reader don't mind

zebra condensation on glass orange coaster flecks of wood table
that sentence let me tap the glass
with the carriage!
sound sound it sounded
like, ding!

August 10, 2013

lake of the fall
I'm that know-it-all
of the true straight street
there on that window peak
hurts too
hurts to do

mr grovernor wheelden
settled with his opinion
trees try gaps that far
breezing in sedan car

used to be asleep
finding it all over me
likely, I was so young
brought lives in and sung

O, go west the tv said
I do what the television says
it says blame fools
it says deep pool

on monday night I laid awake
thinking of a double take
apple cider crew
bud that was to you

lovingly I stay awake
clutching cigs and all her shakes
goddamn fools
goddamn deep pools

justify that unchained dog
yelping after a log
I stay put
I watch that mutt

used to hallucinate fanfare
shower drain I dig out hair
hard white walls
long black halls

settling into sun rays
secrets of it on nova played
police storms
I pass safe and warm

August 2, 2013

good poem, good poem

what kid of writing a loud mout
h trouble scaped i
n the grudges of a mammal we said
we coudldn't eat
it was carnivorous

trouble thing with mouths
sis that is that exact
put these smokes in my lips
bite on the butt
bite butts
big and sk
butts (shit also
trouble with months)


when the light gets dark

that first line the first line
of a Dan Yorty song

he came over w/ a six
pack of pabst
to my apt
and fixed
my spot lights,
so adept
at lighting

last rolling
to make it
the hill I
see her, man,
and hide
always hiding
I think

I love
her or everything else
left to say
amounts to hey
remember this
a sticky photo
I pull

from a box from the dust
of my parent's home
I don't like to throw my letters
away I say No! Keep those

(O, if I had the mind
              and love to

I wouldn't be

besides mosquitoes
I wouldn't be

delayed hurt
got to submit
a food stamp
I've got to tag
all these responders

and non-responders
read fast and go past closing time
write rhymes occasionally
still I dream of Songs

I can't write to anything else

He brought records and the first
one he put on
didn't sound
quite right
the needle
must be bust
I grow

the train ride
the hot train ride
the dirty insulated vines

O, O
I sing

of a pale forehead
my one sin